I'm always being asked about my secrets to weight loss, or tips on how to do this or that, and my answer is always the same. There are no secrets. Eat well and exercise. That is all it takes to get in shape. Now, tips, on the other hand, I do have a few of those.
Tip 1- Do what you enjoy.
I think the reason that many weight loss attempts fail is because people do not think outside of the box when it comes to exercise. Running worked for me, but I know it is not something that every person can or wants to do. There are other workouts that go beyond walking, running, and gym equipment. Try a form of dancing, or maybe find an indoor pool to swim laps in. Try something you have never done, like a yoga class, or maybe even martial arts. Go to a local gym with a basketball court or buy a goal and shoot hoops for half hour. Do not worry if you suck at first, what matters is that you are getting exercise! Look up your community parks and recreation website and find any classes offered...in other words try different things until you find what you enjoy.
Tip 2 - Moderation is key.
Now, while I said eating healthy and exercise are important, it is also important to know that you can relax too. Eat healthy the majority of the time, and the occasional cookie, or meal out is not going to ruin all you have done. Specially now, with the holidays rapidly approaching, comfort foods are going to be a near constant companion. If you're going to a party or family gathering, it is okay to enjoy a few of your annual favorites. Just keep in mind how much you eat, and be mindful of healthy serving sizes.
The same goes for exercise. You should keep active every day, of course, but you should always take one or two days a week off from your more intense workouts. Remember, rest is as important to your weight loss and fitness as exercise is. It is during the times that you rest, that your body grows stronger.
Tip 3 - Small steps
Another reason why exercise routines, and eating changes fall flat, is because people jump in to their new lifestyle full force, and burn out. Start slowly, and work your way up! These days I run three to four times a week, squeeze in strength and abdominal workouts, and do a couple of extra activities a week like clogging or playing with my kids. However, I certainly did not start out that way. I only started working out twice a week at first for a short duration When those workouts became easier, thus more enjoyable, I started doing them more often, and it grew from there.
It was the same with the foods we ate. Instead of tossing out all the "bad food" and making a massive change to our daily diet, we started to slowly add in healthier foods. We made better choices here and there, until those choices started to become second nature. Take for instance my soft drink habit. Sugars, particularly processed sugars like High Fructose Corn Syrup, are very addicting. I began replacing one of my usual soft drinks with water or milk. Eventually soft drinks totally faded from my diet, and have not made a return. I can not even drink them now, they are too sweet for my taste. They actually taste a lot like that nasty drink they give you during prenatal care to test for gestational diabetes. No thank you!
Tip 4 - Get a play list.
Seriously. Good music can help a workout move along. I am a big fan of a couple of the work out stations on Pandora and Slacker radio for my cardio workouts. It is almost embarrassing to admit, but the song Sexy and I Know It by LMFAO always makes for a great workout tune. It always manages to start up at that point during a run, where I am ready to give up and stop. Many "walls" have been demolished, simply because the Sexy song came on! For strength training and weights, bring on the metal. Loud, angry music certainly makes the strength part of my workouts fly by!
Tip 5 - Do not diet
I know what you are thinking. I just said "eat healthy." Well, you see, eating healthy is not dieting. It is simply eating healthy. Diets tend to be temporary, and while some may bring fast results, the long term effectiveness can not compare to simply adapting healthier eating habits. Yes, you will lose weight if you don't eat any carbohydrates. Yes, you'll lose weight if you drink only juice and water for a week. Yes, you'll lose weight if you eat half the suggested calories for your weight and height. The problem is that these diets are not often sustainable, nor are they healthy. Do not think of eating healthier foods as a diet, think of it as a life style change.
Tip 6 - Make a written contract with yourself
Do not laugh. It is what helped me. I sat down one evening and wrote out a contract with myself. I made a covenant that I would eat healthy, exercise, set small goals that add up to a large goal, give myself a challenge that I need to meet each month, and make sure my family stays healthy as well. If I failed to uphold my end of the bargain, then I would be subject to weight gain, weight related illness, and low self esteem. Now, when I want to slack off, I just think of the promise I made to myself, and read the contract to help me get my butt in gear. It works every time.
Tip 7 - Use the resources that are out there
There are countless resources for you to access to help guide you along. Start small. Talk to your friends and family members who are knowledgeable about fitness and health. Branch out, talk to your doctor and health specialists about what goals you should set for yourself. Go farther, look at what your community offers as far as recreation facilities, parks, and exercise classes. You do not have to spend an arm and a leg to lose weight, and get healthy! Keep going, and hit the Internet. There are websites at your fingertips that offer genuine, healthy advice. Now remember, if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is, so always be wary of that when seeking advice. I'll post some links to a few of my own favorite websites that I use, just to give you a head start.
Tip 8 - Above all, to thine own self be true.
You know your strengths and weaknesses, so use these when you set your own realistic, but challenging goals. You know what has failed you in the past, do not allow yourself to repeat history. You know what goals you need to meet, and what you need to do to meet those goals, so do it.
Most importantly, know who you do this for. While your kids, spouse, or other significant people in your life may play a part, the single most important person you are getting healthy for is YOU! Allow yourself to be selfish in this part of your life, and in doing so you will be a better person, both mentally and physically.
Links I like:
--A website that allows you to input how many minutes you performed various activities, to give you an estimate of how many calories you burned throughout the day.
--Look up various foods, to find how many calories you are about to consume
--The Japanese are on to something. Bento lunches are a fun way to pack healthy meals, with decent portion sizes. You can prepare them ahead of time for the week, and have meals set and ready to go.
--This is connected to an app on your Iphone or Android. It helps you keep track of your run (distance, time, average speed), map out your track, and compare your current workout to your previous runs.
--If you are looking to walk or run, check out McCoy Outdoor here in Mobile. They know quite a bit about running and walking for exercise, have fitness workshops regularly, and can help you find the right shoe for your foot and run style. The money stays local, and the service is great, what's not to love?
--Great for those seeking support and advice in their weight loss. Be sure to catch her radio show on 106.5 on Sunday evenings at 7:05pm.
--I am a big fan of this magazine, and the recipes they share. We have used quite a few in our own home.
--Interested in walking/running local races? Then check out this site. It will provide you with all the information you need to find races close to you.
--Where it all began for me. Come fill out a card with us, and use our indoor track and fitness room for no cost. Come by on Thursday evenings, or Saturday mornings, and you'll find yours truly working at the Rec desk :-)
So begins chapter two of my journey. This blog started as a simple journal, but has grown into something more, just as the journey itself has become something more. I set out to lose weight, but ended up changing in many ways. This is no longer just about health, but about encouraging others to experience what I have. Chapter one was a great story. I can not wait to see what the next chapter brings.
About Me

- katzmeow726
- Alabama
- I am a fitness loving, home schooling, fan fic writing, online gaming, weight lifting, running when and where I can kind of mom...I love my kids and husband, and wouldn't trade my life for anything!
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