When you step on the scale, and realize you weigh roughly the same amount as two people, you know it's time to fix yourself.
I'm tired of looking in the mirror, and seeing something I don't like. I'm a hefty 250 pounds. By the end of my journey, I hope to be at 130. I need to lose 120 pounds. That number just seems so intimidating. How did I let myself get here? Part of it is my unhealthy habits, which will be hard as hell to break. But having full term twins and a pregnancy that left we with a HUGE amount of extra skin and fluid sure doesn't help. And it REALLY doesn't help that the more weight I lose, the worse it gets. Not really good for motivation!
And while I will eventually need plastic surgery (hopefully insurance approved) to fix the damage my pregnancy did to my abs, I can at least get a head start on fixing the weight. I need this journal to keep myself honest. Each day, I want to come on here and talk about what I ate, what I did, and what I can improve. Maybe seeing my diet and exercise flaws will help me fix them.
And so I set for myself my first goal. 25 pounds by Easter. That's not so bad, really. That gives me a few months to do it. If I can get motivated, stay motivated, and refuse to let myself get frustrated, I can do this. I'm tired of clothes not fitting, I'm tired of being tired.
I'm already well on my way there. When I push myself, i can run a mile. It isn't much, but to me 1 mile is a huge distance. I hope, soon, to hit 5 miles. With any luck, I'll be doing 5 by Easter as well. And so, my journey begins right now. Well, actually tomorrow afternoon after my husband gets off work, considering it's almost 1am. Well, amend that as well. A good trick to losing weight is getting plenty of rest. Time to publish this post, turn out the light, and pray to God that my kids sleep in until 8 or 9 am, and not their usual 6am. But, knowing my son, he'll be up at 6, bright eyed and bushy tailed despite going to bed at 11pm.
Goodnight world....my journey starts tomorrow....er today.
So begins chapter two of my journey. This blog started as a simple journal, but has grown into something more, just as the journey itself has become something more. I set out to lose weight, but ended up changing in many ways. This is no longer just about health, but about encouraging others to experience what I have. Chapter one was a great story. I can not wait to see what the next chapter brings.
About Me

- katzmeow726
- Alabama
- I am a fitness loving, home schooling, fan fic writing, online gaming, weight lifting, running when and where I can kind of mom...I love my kids and husband, and wouldn't trade my life for anything!
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