So what exactly does an investment into health take? Well, here are a few investments to consider.
1) Invest your time.
This one is pretty obvious, since getting healthy takes time. You have to set aside part of your day to exercise and get active. It has not always been easy for me. It took a long time for me to be able to see my work outs as free time, instead of taking away free time. It also means getting up early on days that I will not have my evenings free, robbing me of that oh-so-precious sleep in time. I would be lying if I said I enjoy getting up early. I have never been, nor will I EVER be, a morning person. However, if I want to reach my goals, it is a sacrifice I have to make. But your work outs are not the only thing that require time.
When you start, you need to invest time in to research. First, dedicate some of that investment into researching different work outs you want to try. It will require a few rounds of trial and error to find workout or athletic activity that you really enjoy and will stick to, so do not get discouraged if it takes a while. Once you get that settled, take time to research any equipment you will be using when you exercise. Sometimes the best way to find out how worthwhile a piece of equipment is, is to read up on the opinions of those who actually use it. You can ask around to family and friends, or go online and look up ratings and reviews for the item to help you in your search.
It is also wise to invest time in to creating a weekly menu with healthy meals, and looking up healthier ways to cook some of your favorite meals. This also means trying to create typically store bought foods from scratch. You will be more likely to stick to healthy eating when you have a set menu for each week.
Most importantly, invest some time into meeting with a health care professional. Go in for a basic check up so you can have your blood pressure taken, and cholesterol levels looked at. This way you, and your doctor, can keep a record of how your health improves as you get in to shape! Your doctor will also have a good idea of what your physical limits are, and together you come up with work outs that will not only help you achieve the goals you want, but will also keep you safe while doing so. Not to mention, a good doctor will be a cheerleader, and give you some support along your way to a healthier you!
2) Invest your money.
This one can be a challenge, specially considering the current economy. Truth be told, you really do not have to invest a lot of money to get healthy. A walk at the park or around your neighborhood is free. But there are some things that you would be wise to spend a little money on. The first would be a good pair of shoes, if your workout of choice requires it. Be sure to go to a store that has trained staff to help you find the type of shoe that your feet need. That staff member should take the time to discuss your current level of activity, watch you walk (or run, if you are running), look at the shape of your feet, and take in to account any health issues you have to help you find what you need. The $115 investment I made in to a good pair of New Balance running shoes made all the difference in the world to my knees, ankle, and back. Not only was I less sore after a run, I was able to increase my distance by quite a bit! If you want to find a store that DOES assist with shoe selection, I highly suggest McCoy Outdoor. They were very helpful, and we found the perfect pair of shoes after only two tries.
Go ahead and set up a good budget if you do not already have one, because fresh fruits and vegetables, and cooking from scratch can cost more than buying processed foods. To save money, we often shop at farmer's stands and the Flea Market for our produce. Most of it is locally grown, which drives the cost down, allowing us to eat healthier on a tight budget. Also, part of weight loss means you should eat out less, which will save you a fair chunk of change. Use the money you save from that towards your healthier menu.
Now that you have done your research in to any equipment you may need, be it fitness gear, braces and supports, or clothing (specially for women, a good athletic bra will save you a LOT of pain), you can start making purchases. While price may not always reflect quality, do not be afraid to pay a little more for something that you really like and works for you, or that you read good reviews for. If you are interested in joining a gym or finding a personal trainer, the same advice applies. Research, budget, and go for it!
Also invest in a decent music player if your phone does not already function as one. I will be the first to admit that a good play list can make or break my workouts. A basic Ipod shuffle will run you about $49 these days. Simple mp3 players can start at $29, and go up from there. If you will be using your phone, you can use a variety of music apps like Iheartradio, Slacker, or Pandora. Personally, I enjoy Pandora's work out stations. Though it takes a little tweaking, Pandora usually plays a good song rotation for me. In addition to a music player, try to find a case with which to carry it (I need to take my own advice on this one). Look for ones that have adjustable arm bands, and are water proof so that sweat, rain, and humidity won't damage your phone or music player. Now as far as head phones go, that is all a matter of opinion. I prefer a cheap pair of gas station ear buds, because they are easily replaced and stay in my ear better than other types of head phones!
3) Invest blood, sweat, and tears.
The biggest thing you need to invest in to your health is dedication. Like most things in life, you get out what you put in. When you give your dedication and hard work, you will enjoy many wonderful benefits. As tempting as it is to give in to quick weight loss diets and miracle drugs, they generally do not work. I can not say it enough, you get what you give. All these programs promise results with little effort, but to lose weight, and keep it off you have to put in the hard work. On top of that, while they may help you lose weight, only exercise and good nutrition will make you fit. Smaller numbers on the scale do not automatically mean you are healthy, which is why I try to emphasize the importance fitness in addition to weight loss.
I can truthfully say that I have invested my blood, sweat, and tears into my transformation. I've had a few injuries here and there. Blisters, Achilles pain, damaged toenails...and let's not go in to the acne that has decided to return. It would seem my skin does not realize that I am twenty-six, not sixteen. I suppose I can't complain too much about that! I most certainly have sweat, as evidenced by the sweat stains on some of my clothing. Speaking of which, I do believe I have some laundry that needs to washed. And I have cried. I've shed tears of pain and frustration, but also tears of relief and joy through all of this. The good tears definitely make up for the sad ones!
4) Invest faith
No matter what belief you follow, faith will get you through. For me it is faith in God, faith in myself, and faith in my purpose for doing this - my family. When you hit a bump, or when you find that plateau and you want to give up, don't. So often people give up when they have even a small struggle with a life change. But it is those times when you should fight even harder. In doing so you overcome another obstacle, and you will realize just how strong you are. You just have to believe in something. Above all, though, believe in yourself.
As much as I have had to sacrifice, it has all been worth it. The investments made have paid off beautifully. Like with any investment there are risks. Without a doubt, though, the benefits outweigh those! Good luck with your own investments and life changes, and may they grant you the returns that I have found!